Copyright Registrations

Copyrights protect creative expressions, providing the owners with the exclusive right to use and distribute their works. RPL protects your copyrights.

Copyrights protect creative expressions, providing the owners with the exclusive right to use and distribute their works. While copyrights are commonly thought of as protection for literary works, works of fine art, music, and video, copyrights are also used to protect software code and website content. For example, we can assist you in registering the copyright for your software code to prevent piracy and derivative works.

Similarly, we can help you protect the valuable information posted on your website and help you manage actions pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Whether you are a potential client, or an attorney who needs help on a copyright-related matter, we will be happy to assist you. 

Case Studies

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Behind the Idea: Gramovox

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Behind the Idea: Everpurse

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Behind the Idea: GoSili